Book Award: Getting By Named A Finalist!
I want to share that I received a book award for my debut young adult novel, Getting By. Not long after I released my debut book, I submitted my novel for the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. After my submission, I had to wait at least half a year to hear any announcements.
At the time, I thought my chances of winning anything were low. With so many competitors, I had doubts that my story would make much of an impact. Then by May 2021, I learned that my book was named as one of a few finalists in the African American (Fiction) category.
Although I wasn’t the grand prize winner, receiving a book award in a reputable literary awards program made me feel that sharing my story to the world was worth it in the end.
Book Award: What’s Next?

I received my award in a small package in August. Inside the package were a silver medal, 10 gold stickers, and a pamphlet that revealed all the winners and finalists in their respected categories. Currently, I have some copies of my book, and I intend to put my stickers on each cover.
I still have a lot more plans goals for this book. I’m in the process of updating my book cover. The new cover will feature an award emblem sticker, and I’m currently waiting to receive a copy for myself. I’m also working on getting more reviews for my book.
Lastly, I recent completed my original manuscript for my second novel. I’ll probably discuss more about it in my next blog post. I have no plans to publish my second story soon because I still want work more on building my platform and marketing my first book. Once I feel satisfied with my efforts, I will likely begin the publishing process for my next book.